"If your experiment needs a statistician, you need a better experiment."
(Ernest Rutherford)
- Format and Structure
- Online course with weekly meetins and video lectures.
All the course material is available in the dedicated Discord channel, access provided upon request.
- Selected Student Projects
- #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter by Ricarda Reiner
In my project I look at the development of social movement on social media.
More specifically, I investigate how the Black Lives Matter Movement was framed
on Twitter considering the events in 2020. Therefore, I analyze tweets including
the hashtag #blm and #BlackLivesMatter. To get a better understanding of how the
movement is labeled and what specific sub-topics are the most prominent I carry out
a threefold text mining analysis including a sentiment analysis, topic modeling and n-gram analysis.
- #Covid19 on Twitter by Zheng Fu
In this study, I explore the social sentiment about the Covid 19 pandemic.
My research question is: "How do people in different geographical locations feel about the Covid 19 pandemic?"
Using hashtags such as #covid 19 and #vaccine I will collect data from Twitter.
I plan to focus on stereotypical US cities, e.g., Austin and NYC.
After the data collection, I will apply sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and n-gram analysis.
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