"Blockchain by itself isn't transformational, however it is foundational."
(Tom Golway)
"What the inventive genius of mankind has bestowed upon us in the last hundred years could have made human life care free and happy if the development of the organizing power of man had been able to keep step with his technical advances. As it is, the hardly bought achievements of the machine age in the hands of our generation are as dangerous as a razor in the hands of a three-year-old child."
(Albert Einstein)
News 03.21.22
- The course material is being updated for the upcoming semester
- Intro lectures: April 28th, May 5th 10AM-12PM
- Mid-term presentation: ~end of May (to be agreed upon with students)
- Additional discussion sessions be agreed upon with students
- Submission deadline: July 31st (you are encouraged to submit earlier)
- Enrollment by email and Moodle
- Mannheim students should request a Moodle account and must also register on Portal2
This seminar is composed of two interlocking parts:
- Students will learn about the blockchain technology, what it is and what new economic and governance possibilities is enabling for individuals, firms, organizations and national states.
- Students will learn about the novel, critical solutions to "radically" redesign our socio-economic systems introduced in the book by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society, and evolved into the RadicalXchange social movement.
The goal of this seminar is to creatively combine insights from both parts to generate innovative solutions to address some of the shortcomings of current socio-economic systems. Students are required to submit a mid-term presentation and a final presentation, plus a final project in one of the formats described in this document.
Blockchain Economics
The blockchain is a global technology which aims to revolutionize several areas of society by extending its tenets of decentralization, transparency, and verifiability to domains in which it was previously impossible or impractical. The blockchain popularity is often associated and confused with that of Bitcoin, however Bitcoin is just its oldest application, alongside many other promising ones.
For instance, the blockchain technology can enormously reduce frictional costs of financial services, eliminating the "middle-man" costs and allowing seemingly instantaneous payments across the globe just for fractional fees. The blockchain technology can also improve the trust in and the efficiency of supply chain systems by allowing anyone to trace each product to its source, simply by looking up the records in a distributed digital ledger. The blockchain technology can also be used to create solid digital economies in gaming environments, where collectibles and other digital assets can be reliably owned, sold, and exchanged.
Notwithstanding the rapidly evolving ecosystem of new applications, many commentators have described the blockchain as a "solution in search of a problem." This seminar invites students to boldly fill this gap, by thinking at the blockchain technology at its maximum level of abstraction: as a tool to create, test and validate economic and governance designs.
Topics: Blockchain Technology, Different Blockchains, Consensus Mechanisms, Cryptocurrencies, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), NFTs and the Metaverse, Tokenization, Governance, Privacy.
Radical Markets
The book
"Radical Markets" by Posner and Weyl argues that wealthy countries face a triple social crisis of rising inequality, economic stagnation, and failing political legitimacy. This crisis results from a failure of ideas and it proposes a new set of policies labeled "Radical Markets" that are at once more free market than the right and more egalitarian than the left to reunite the classic liberal coalition. Radical Markets argues that expanding the scope of markets is the only way to reduce inequality, restore robust economic growth, and resolve political conflicts. The final aim of the book is to show how the emancipatory force of genuinely open, free, and competitive markets can reawaken the dormant nineteenth-century spirit of liberal reform and lead to greater equality, prosperity, and cooperation. This seminar invites students to embrace the bold and radical vision put forward in this book to daringly develop new solutions to socio-economic problems, as well as to criticize and improve upon the solutions proposed by Posner and Weyl.
Topics: Private Property, Auctions, Quadratic Voting, Immigration Sponsorships, Antitrust Laws, Data Labor and Dignity.
Intro: Inequality, Market Power, Internet
This is the glue between the two following parts.
Market Power
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, "Radical Markets" (Introduction "The Crisis of the Liberal Order")
Jan Eeckhout and Jan de Loecker, "The Rise of Market Power and Macroeconomic Implications" Pdf
Matt Stoller, "Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy"
Matt Stoller, "How Should We Regulate the Digital Economy?" YouTube
Matt Stoller, "The Politics of Monopoly" Newsletter
David Autor, "The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms" Pdf
Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page, "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" Pdf
Martin Gilens, "Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America"
Elizabeth Warren, "Here's How We Can Break Up Big Tech" Html
Branko Milanovic, Global Inequality (specially: Introduction and Chapter 5)
Tony Atkinson, "Inequality: What Can Be Done?" Html Summary: 15 Proposals
Christoph Lakner and Branko Milanovic, "Global Income Distribution: From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Great Recession" Html
Martin Ravallion, "Inequality and Globalization: A Review Essay" Pdf
David Autor, "Skills, Education, and the Rise of Earnings Inequality among the "Other 99 Percent" Pdf
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, "The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger"
Steven Teles, "The Scourge of Upward Redistribution" Html
Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, "Inequality in the Long Run" Pdf
Jonathan Ostry at Al., "Redistribution, Inequality, and Growth" Pdf
Michael Norton and Dan Ariely, "Building a Better America—One Wealth Quintile at a Time" Pdf
Christina Starmans, Mark Sheskin and Paul Bloom, "Why People Prefer Unequal Societies" Pdf
Michael Sandel, "What Money Can't Buy,"
Asan lecture,
Tanner lecture,
1-Pixel Wealth Interactive Visualization
Inequality.is (from 2013, but still relevant) Interactive Visualization
Unequal Scenes Photos Collection
Internet: Censorship, Data Ownwership, Leaks
Kate Klonik, "The New Governors: The People, Rules, and Processes Governing Online Speech" Pdf
Daphne Keller, "That Time my Husband Reported me to the Facebook Police: a Case Study" Html
Mike Masnick, "Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech" HTML
Jamie Settle, "Frenemies: How Social Media Polarizes America"
The Guardian, "NSA Prism Program Taps in to User Data of Apple, Google and Others" Html
The Great Hack Netflix Documentary
The Econonomist, "The World's Most Valuable Resource Is No Longer Oil, but Data" Html
World's Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks Interactive Visualization
CoinTelegraph, "YouTube Cancels Cointelegraph's BTC Halving Livestream for Being 'Harmful Content'" Html
Bennett Cyphers, "Behind the One-Way Mirror: A Deep Dive Into the Technology of Corporate Surveillance" Html
Solution-Oriented Social Science
Duncan Watts, "Should social science be more solution-oriented?" Pdf
Marc Andreessen, "It's Time To Build" Html
Blockchain Economics
Most of the references in this category will not be academic publications.
In fact, blokchain is a bleeding-edge technology and the academic research
(specially social and economic reserch) has just started.
Please consider non peer-reviewed resources as informational and
inspirational, but always keep a critical eye on its content (as you
should do for academic articles).
Some of the non-academic reference might contain referrals or
advertisements for commercial products. I do not endorse any product/service
nor I receive financial gains from those links.
General Intros
2022 Gary Gensler's Blockchain MIT Course Full Course (a bit old, but still great)
2022 New York Times The Latecomer's Guide To Crypto HTML
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain.Mit.Edu, "How Blockchain Works" Mini Course
99Bitcoins, "What is Blockchain Technology" YouTube
Jimmy Song, "Why Blockchain is Hard" Html
PoW 51% Attack Cost Html
SHA256 Hash Generator Html
Crypto Wallets
2021 Toshendra Kumar Sharma, "Types of Crypto Wallets Explained" Html
2021 Connor Blenkinsop, "Crypto Wallets, Explained " Html
2021 jlopp, "Metal Bitcoin Seed Storage Reviews" Html
2021 Michael Matthews, "WARNING: How I lost Bitcoins using a paper wallet" Html
Blockchain Economics Overview
Christian Catalini and Joshua S. Gans, "Some Simple Economics of the Blockchain" Pdf, YouTube
Christian Catalini, Head Economist at Calibra (Facebook) Html
Blockchain Research Institute Html (case studies and white papers)
2022 Bankless, Crypto can fix public goods Html (just focus on the examples, the preamble is biased)
Blockchain Real-World Use Cases
- 2021 Platforms
Blockchain Real-World Use Cases--non financial
2022 TenTree, "Introducing veritree: A Nature-Based Technology Solution" Html
Connor Sephton, "This New Car Will Allow You to Earn Crypto While You Drive" Html
Lorenzo Pellegrino, "How Real World Use Cases Will Drive Crypto Growth in 2020" Html
Ameer Rosic, "What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners" Html
David Mansell, "Blockchain for the Environment: It Is Real and It Is Here" Html
SUSI Partners AG and the Center for Innovative Finance, University of Basel Pdf
Oluwatobi Joel, "Using Digital Currency for Climate Markets" Html
Mohammad Musharraf, "Blockchain Startup Aims to Help Indian Farmers Get Fair Crop Prices" Html
Michael J. Casey and Pindar Wong, "Global Supply Chains Are About to Get Better, Thanks to Blockchain" Html
Paul Gadi, "Insert Token: How The Blockchain Will Revolutionize The Game Industry" Html
Alexandra Luzan, "Painting a Different Picture: How Digital Artists Use Blockchain" Html
Textile Genesis Html
Gautam Dhameja, "UN World Food Programme uses Parity Ethereum to aid 100,000 refugees" Html
Crypto Finance
2022 Dapp, Helbing, and Klauser, Finance 4.0 - Towards a Socio-Ecological Finance System " Pdf
2022 Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) Research Reports " Html
2021 AIMA, "3rd Annual Global Crypto Hedge Fund Report 2021" Html
2022 Snapshots.org: Collection of DAOs Html
2022 Bankless, Why DAOs are the new firms Html
2022 tech Aragon: Build your DAO on Ethereum Html
2022 tech Homebase: Build your DAO on Tezos Html
2022 Mirror DAO: Digital Identity Html
2022 Science and DAOs YouTube
2022 Understanding a specific DAO by Kerman Kohli Html
Energy, Smart Grids, Blockchain
2021 Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani and Jinjun Chen, "Optimizing Blockchain Based Smart Grid Auctions: A Green Revolution" Pdf
2021 Realt Html
Reuben Bramanathan, "The Personal Token Revolution" Html
Ryan Sean Adams, "How to tokenize yourself (Full)" Html
Benjamin Pirus, "UK Startup Puts Haitian Farmers and Their Crops On the Blockchain" Html
Nathan DiCamillo, "Startup Tokenizes $2.2B in Commercial Real Estate Through Polymath" Html
Schlomo Sprung, "Spencer Dinwiddie Launching Digital Token Next Week, Discusses NBA's Threat To Terminate His Contract" Html
Cryptocurrencies Intro
funny Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) "Cryptocurrencies" Video
Aleksander Berentsen and Fabian Schar, "A Short Introduction to the World of Cryptocurrencies" Html
Bitcoing Collectives and others "The Little Bitcoin Book: Why Bitcoin Matters for Your Freedom, Finances, and Future"
Daniel Perez, Jiahua Xu, and Benjamin Livshits, "We Know What They've Been Put Through: Revisiting High-scalability Blockchain Transactions" Pdf
Defiance TV | "Venezuela's Economic Crisis" YouTube 1, YouTube 2
Messari Crypto Theses
2021 advanced Messari Research, Crypto Theses for 2020 Report
2022 advanced Messari Research, Crypto Theses for 2021 Report
2022 advanced Messari Research, Crypto Theses for 2022 Report
CBDC: Central Bank Digital Currencies
2021 kiffmeister, "Jurisdictions Where Retail CBDC Is Being Explored" Html
2021 Kraken Intelligence, "The Rise Central Bank Digital Currencies" Pdf
Aleksander Berentsen and Fabian Schar, "The Case for Central Bank Electronic Money and the Non-case for Central Bank Cryptocurrencies" Html
Stefan Stankovic, "Central Bank Digital Cash is Coming, Emerging Economies Lead" Html
Codruta Boar, Henry Holden and Amber Wadsworth, "Impending Arrival - A Sequel to the Survey on Central Bank Digital Currency" Pdf
Digital Dollar Project Html
Bitcoin.org (notice that .com is a private company) Html
99Bitcoins, "What is Bitcoin Mining" YouTube
Fabian Schar, "Cryptocurrencies: Miner Heterogeneity, Botnets, and Proof-of-Work Efficiency" Html
Florian Tschorsch and Bjoern Scheuermann, "Bitcoin and Beyond: A Technical Survey on Decentralized Digital Currencies" Pdf
Christopher Bendiksen, "5 Popular BTC Halving Theories: What's Likely To Happen And What's Not" Html
Christopher Bendiksen, "2020 BTC Halving Technical Refresher" Html
Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Model Html
March 12: The Day Crypto Market Structure Broke Part 1
Part 2
Hass McCook, "An Order-of-Magnitude Estimate of the Relative Sustainability of the Bitcoin Network" Pdf
2021 Lambrecht, Sofianos, and Xu, "Does mining fuel bubbles? An experimental study on cryptocurrency markets" Pdf
Bitcoin and Carbon Emissions
2022 german Blocktrainer, Wie BITCOIN die Energiewende ermöglichen kann! | Energiemanager im Interview YouTube
2022 Exxon is mining bitcoin in North Dakota as part of its plan to slash emissions YouTube
Alex De Vries, "Bitcoin's Growing Energy Problem" Paper, Popular Science
Digiconomist, "Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index" Html
2021 Shangrong Jiang et Al. "Policy assessments for the carbon emission flows and sustainability of Bitcoin blockchain operation in China" Pdf
2021 Alex de Vries and Joseph Pallant, "Bitcoin Climate Debate: Overblown FUD or genuine threat?" YouTube
2021 Bitcoin Clean Energy Initiative Memorandum, "Bitcoin is Key to an Abundant, Clean Energy Future" Pdf
2021 Digiconomist, "The ARK Invest excel sheet..." Twitter Thread
2021 nori.com, The Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace Html
2021 UPCO2, The Clean Crypto Html
2021 Rachel Rybarczyk, Drew Armstrong and Amanda Fabiano, "On Bitcoin's Energy Consumption: A Quantitative Approach to a Subjective Question" Pdf
2021 Bitcoin Magazine, "Research: Bitcoin Consumes Less Than Half the Energy of the Banking or Gold Industries" Html
Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin History
Bitcoin Monetary Policy and The Cantillon Effect
Bitcoin Controlled Supply
Modeling Bitcoin Value with Scarcity
Saifedan Ammous, "The Bitcoin Standard"
Binance Academy, "Bitcoin as a Store of Value"
Matt Stoller, "The coronavirus relief bill could turn into a corporate coup if we aren't careful"
Matt Stoller, "The Cantillon Effect: Why Wall Street Gets a Bailout and You Don't" Html
Richard Cantillon, "An Essay on Economic Theory" Pdf
Wenli Cheng and Simon D. Angus, "The Cantillon Effect of Money Injection through Deficit Spending",
Arkadiusz Sieron, "Money, Inflation and Business Cycles: The Cantillon Effect and the Economy"
Ethereum Html
Ryan Sean Adams, "Ethereum Tree of Life" Html
Ether Scan Html
ETH Gas Station Html
The State of the Dapps Html
2021 Ethereum Improvement Proposals Html
2021 Road to ETH2 Html
2021 A Visual History of Ethereum in Data Html
2021 Finematics, "Can ETH Become Deflationary? EIP-1559 Explained" Html and YouTube
2021 Singh et al. "Sidechain technologies in blockchain networks: An examination and state-of-the-art review" Pdf
Binance Academy, "What is Staking?" Html
Binance Academy, "Proof-of-Work vs Proof-of-Stake" Video
User Staking & Business Model Innovation with Joel Monegro of Placeholder VC Podcast
Encointer UBI Html
Brave Browser Html (referral link to support the development of nodeGame), Pdf
Steemit Social Network Html
Cent Social Network Html
Numer.ai Html
Social Tokens
2021 Andrew Steinwold, "The Social Token Revolution" Html
2021 WhaleSharkdotPro, "Social Tokens 101" Twitter Thread
2021 Roll Tokens Html
2021 $ESSAY Token Html
NTFs: Non-Fungible Tokens
NFTs Intro
2022 Nadini et al., "Mapping the NFT Revolution: Market Trends, Trade Networks, and Visual Features" Html
2021 Andrew Steinwold, "Quick Overview Of The NFT Ecosystem" Html
2021 Coopahtroopa, "The Landscape of NFTs" Html
2021 Devin Finzer, "The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs" Html
2021 Amy Castor, "Wtf Is an NFT?" Html
2021 Andrew Steinwold, "NFT Survey Results - 96 Respondents Are Looking To Spend +$1.9m On NFTs In 2021!" Html
2021 Laura Shin, "What Exactly Do You Get When You Buy an NFT? Three Lawyers Discuss" Podcast
2021 NFT Standards HTML
2022 Bored Apes Yacht Club Html
2022 Loot Project Html
2021 Crypto Kitties Html
2021 NBA Top Shots Html
2021 Crypto Punks Html
2021 The Hashmasks Html
2021 NFT Boxes Html
2021 Euler Beats Html
2021 Sophie Haigney, "A jpeg for $70m: welcome to the strange world of cryptocurrency art" Html
2021 Ben Davis, "I Looked Through All 5,000 Images in Beeple's $69 Million Magnum Opus. What I Found Isn't" Html
2021 David Gerard, "NFTs: crypto grifters try to scam artists, again" Html
2021 William M. Peaster, "How to Value NFTs" Html
2021 William M. Peaster, "NFTs and the On-Chain Spectrum" Html
2021 Opensea Html
2021 How NFTs are stored Html
Virtual Worlds
Play to Earn
Coin Gecko, "How To DeFi"
Stably, "Decentralized Finance vs Traditional Finance What You Need to Know" Html
Defi Pulse Html
"Mariano Conti", "Living on Defi: How I Survive Argentina's 50% Inflation" Video
CoinTelegraph interview with Tim Draper YouTube (warning: Tim Draper is a hard-core libertarian, ~3:00 to ~9:30)
World Bank, "The Unbanked" Html
What Grinds My Gears, "Breaking Banks with Bitcoin" Podcast
2021 F.M. Ametrano (2016) "Hayek Money" Pdf
2021 R. Sams (2015) "A Note on Cryptocurrency Stabilisation: Seigniorage Shares" Pdf
2021 The Block Research "Stablecoins" Pdf
2021 Kerman Kohli, The New Age of Stablecoins Html
2021 Benjamin Simon, Stability, Elasticity, and Reflexivity: A Deep Dive into Algorithmic Stablecoins Html
2021 Rekt News, "Fei Rekt" Html
Maker DAO
MAKER DAO Html, Stats
Coinbase, "How Does DAI Stay Stable?" Video
Settle Finance, "Collateralized Debt Position" Html
Settle Finance, "What's the MakerDAO Stability Fee and how does it affect me?" Html
CoinTelegraph, "Will Centralized & Decentralized Finance Eventually Integrate? | Interview with MakerDAO Founder" YouTube
Yield Farming, Liquidity Providing, Incentives
2021 Finematics, "Yield Farming Explained" Html and YouTube
2021 Cryptopedia Staff "SushiSwap and Vampire Attacks in Decentralized Finance" Html
2021 Finematics, "What is Impermanent Loss? DEFI Explained" Html
2021 Andre, Cronje "Building in DEFI Sucks" (part 2) Html
2021 Advanced DeFi Tutorials with DeFi Dad YouTube
Web 3
Joel Monegro, "Information Technology Market Cycles (A Brief History)" Html
Mat Zago, "Why the Web 3.0 Matters and You Should Know About It" Html
Web3 Foundation Html + YouTube
2021 What is Web3 Html
Cross-chain Protocols
Sociology/Antrophology of Crypto
2022 Grace Rachmany, Crypto Anthropology Html
Scams, Bankruptcies, Hacks, etc.
2022 Bankless, The best argument against crypto Html
2022 Web3 is going just great Html
2022 Crypto Crime Report Html
2022 Bitfinex's $5 billion Bitcoin hack explained by Coin Bureau YouTube
2021 Rekt News Html
2021 Idex Blog, List of Exchange Hacks Html
2021 Amy Castor's blog Html
2021 David Gerard's blog Html
2021 Joe Tidy, "Bitcoin: Fake Elon Musk giveaway scam 'cost man 400,000'" Html
2021 Naimish Sanghvi, "Types of Crypto Scams on Telegram and How to Protect Yourself" Html
2021 Bitfinex'ed, "Coinbase Insider Trading: Litecoin Edition" Html
2021 Liam Kelly and Stefan Stankovic, "Behind the Shroud of Cred's Tragic Bankruptcy" Html
2021 Tim Copeland, "The complete story of the QuadrigaCX $190 million scandal" Html
2021 Crypto Anonymous, "The Bit Short: Inside Crypto's Doomsday Machine"Html
2021 Andrew Norry, "The History of the Mt Gox Hack: Bitcoin's Biggest Heist" Html
2021 Omkar Godbole, "Social Tokens Crash After Reported Hack at Roll" Html
2021 Bankless, "How a DeFi power user got hacked for $24M" Html, YouTube
2021 News.bitcoin.com, "Another Binance Smart Chain Project Turtledex Rug Pulls With Tokens Worth $2.5M Confirmed Stolen" Html
2021 Krasimir Buchvarov, "Binance Smart Chain Project Drained of $32M in Suspected Rug Pull" Html
2021 Peck Shield, bZx Hack Full Disclosure (With Detailed Profit Analysis) Html, Html
Tech Resources
tech David Canellis, "LinkedIn: Blockchain beats AI and cloud computing for hottest skill in 2020" Html
tech Jimmy Song, "Programming Bitcoin: Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch"
tech Justin Leroux, "Running Ethereum Full Nodes: A Guide for the Barely Motivated" Html
tech rCoinInterface R Package
Radical Markets
The main reference for this part is the book
"Radical Markets"
by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl.
The Radical Markets book spurred a social movement around the world called
Its web site is incredibly rich of resources.
Last year RadicalXchange 2020 Virtual Conference contains the recordings of all main sessions.
The most up to date collection of students resources is the
Rxc Students Reading List. Currently down.
If you have read all the Blockchain material, and feel like
code is law right now, maybe you should start with the
article "Why I Am not a Technocrat" by Glen Weyl.
Given the breadth of the topic, I have selected below some content for
each of the main chapters of the book, which I believe are the most
relevant and accessible, plus added a few extra resources and links.
Against Monopoly: Common Ownership Self-Assessed Tax (COST)
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, "Radical Markets" Chapter 1, Pdf
2022 Radical Exchange Plural Ownership
DeSantis, McCarter, and Winn, "Land Assembly Without Eminent Domain: Laboratory Experiments of Two Tax Mechanisms" Pdf
Quadratic Voting
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, "Radical Markets" Chapter 2
2022 Radical Exchange Plural Voting
2022 Radical Exchange Plural Funding
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, "Quadratic Voting and the Public Good: Introduction" Pdf
John Stuart Mills, "On Liberty" Pdf
Vitalik Buterin, "Quadratic Finance: An Open Source Experiment with GitCoin" (RxC Berlin 2019)YouTube
Gitcoin Html (referral link to support the development of nodeGame),
Twitter Account Raised 11k USD on Gitcoin Html
Quadratic Funding Html
Sherman Lee, "Quadratic Voting: A New Way to Govern Blockchains for Enterprises" Html
Rachel Rose O'Leary, "Experimental Voting Effort Aims to Break Ethereum Governance Gridlock" Html
2022 RadicalxChange Openfund: Why, How and What? YouTube
Institutional Investors / Antitrust
Radical Markets, Chapter 4
2022 Radical Exchange, Radical Antitrust
Posner at Al., "A Proposal to Limit the Anti-Competitive Power of Institutional Investors" Pdf
2021 Ranjan Roy, "Game. Stop. It's not what you think." Html
2022 Fichtner, Heemskerk, and Garcia-Bernardo (2017) "Hidden power of the Big Three? Passive index funds, re-concentration of corporate ownership, and new financial risk" Html
2022 The Conversation, "These three firms own corporate America" Html
2022 The New York Times, "BlackRock's Message: Contribute to Society, or Risk Losing Our Support" Html
2022 The Wall Street Journal, "BlackRock Starts to Use Voting Power More Aggressively" Html
Immigration: Visas Between Individuals Program (VIP)
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, "Radical Markets" Chapter 3
Glen Weyl, "The Openness-equality Trade-off in Global Redistribution" Pdf
Gary Becker and Diane Coyle, "The Challenge of Immigration: A Radical Solution" Pdf
Data Dignity
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, "Radical Markets" Chapter 5
2022 Radical Exchange, Data Dignity
2021 Ferdinand von Schirach, "Jeder Mensch" Book (in German)
Inititative (info in English).
Mary Gray and Siddartha Suri, "Ghost Work: "How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass"
Imanol Arrieta-Ibarra et Al. "Should We Treat Data as Labor? Moving beyond 'Free'" Pdf
"Sorry to Bother You" Movie
Casey Newton, "The Trauma Floor" Html
Casey Newton, "Bodies in Seats" Html
Robert Miller, Nikete Penna and Sean Moss Pultz "Healthcare Data Dignity" (RxC Berlin 2019) YouTube
Kate Crawford, "Anatomy of AI" YouTube, Html
Intersectional Social Identity
2022 Radical Exchange, Plural Identity
2022 National Borders and Identity - Agnew, Blender, Bustani, Gladstein - RxC 2020 YouTube
2022 Proof of Personhood Passport (PoPP) Html
2022 Proof of Humanity YouTube
2022 Bright DAO: Digital Identity Html
2022Randy Pangulayan, gamesUR Keynote: A Golden Age of Research YouTube
2022Our Digital Selves: My Avatar is Me [full feature film] YouTube
Nicole Immorlica, Matthew Jackson, and Glen Weyl, "Verifying Identity as a Social Intersection" Pdf
Radical Markets 2.0
Glen Weyl, "Radical Exchange 2.0" (RxC Berlin 2019) YouTube
RadicalXchange Blog Html
Critiques to Radical Markets
David K. Levine, "Radical Markets by Eric Posner and E. Glen Weyl: A Review Essay" Pdf
More on Market Design
Guillaume Haeringer "Market Design" Cambridge: MIT Press.
Alvine E. Roth, "Marketplaces, Markets, and Market Design" Pdf
Selected Students Reports
Summer Semester 2021
"Cryptocurrencies, Rational Choice, and Organized Crime. Are cryptocurrencies a suitable monetary transfer system for criminal organizations? By Sara Maria Engeler, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics
"MOVE IT FOR COINS" A New Energy Resource: Powering Bitcoin Through Physical Activity By Aysegul Bilgic, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics
Blockchain-based Land Registration System: The case of Uzbekistan By Sherzod Bobojonov, University of Heidelberg
Solving the Medical Record Interoperability Issue in Low-Resource Contexts: Potential Blockchain Applications By Tadeusz Ciecierski-Holmes, University of Heidelberg
Real News: How Blockchain could Revolutionize Social Media. A Review Discussing the Concepts of Swarm Intelligence and Sweat Equity in Blockchain Social Media By Elena-Sophie Flach, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics
Scaling of Quadratic Voting: Challenges and Opportunities By Cornelius Gaal, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics
A New Radical Market Combining Hypermodern and Classical Building Blocks. How to Increase Renewable Energy Investment by Creating a New Radical Market, driven by Blockchain By Jens Aasmoe Gulowsen, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics (Policy Paper)
Quadratic Voting: An Improvement for Democracy? By Florian Heitlinger, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics (Experiment)
Microcredits & Blockchain: Can Blockchain Revolutionize Microcredits? By Heydenreich, Christopher Aina Raholdina, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics (Report + Dapp)
Empowering Imagined Communities: A Proposal to Use Decentralized Autonomous Organizations to Develop Alternative Socioeconomic Mechanisms By Melike Nazli Kaplan, Mannheim University, M. Sc. Sociology
Tokenizing Green Energy. Policy Parameters for Blockchain Applications in the Energy Sector By Daniel Schmidt, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics
Short Story: "Partially Owned" / Written report for the short story "Partially owned" By Julius Westerbarkey, University of Heidelberg, M. Sc. Economics (Short Story and Report)
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