I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell
of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. (E.B. White)
- Consensus formation, social influence, and polarization;
- Incentives schemes for collective intelligence, in
particular peer review systems;
- Governance in blockchain systems;
- Optimal experimental designs, Bayesian optimization with Gaussian
- Inequality, perception thereof and its consequences;
- Large language models
- Philosophy of science, in particular Paul Feyerabend's body of work.
I am an active
open source developer. I am the creator of the nodeGame JavaScript
platform for conducting real-time online group-behavior experiments:
I have co-founded the
State of Crypto
initiative, an interdisciplinary network of academic researchers
with the mission to better understand crypto as a complex cultural, social,
technical, and economic system:
I have recently launched
EduCERT, a project sponsored by
with support by
the "Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre" aiming to enable innovation
and increase digital teaching at higher education institutions. In EduCERT,
we are building the infrastructure to issue academic achievement on-chain: